Sunday, July 29, 2007

BASHIR REJECTS UN. Vigil Day #151 Sudan Embassy July 29.

Filed by Start Loving.

The Darfur Vigil returned to Round the Clock this past Monday maintained by Start Loving who returns to a base of operations for light calories, MP3 Player Electrons, and Internet mid afternoon for three hours each day. Saturday and Sunday are also spent at the base.

Sudan officially rejects revised UN text on Darfur force, Sudan Tribune

What does a world citizen, a Servant of The Almight / Good / World Family / Brotherliness do when:
  • 450,000 have been exterminated under Bashir's watch? Our watch? China's Watch? NGO's Watch? "Activists" watch?
  • 3 million displaced under Bashir's watch? Our watch? China's Watch? NGO's Watch? "Activists" watch?
  • Brother Bashir heaps desecration on desecration, inhumanity on inhumanity, lie on lie, deception on deception?
  • We-the-worlds-citizens heap hypocrisy on hypocrisy, lip service on lip service, excuse on excuse, inaction on inaction....

How does Start Loving serve the above? What does or do The Almighty / Goodness / Humanity / "Activist" brothers / brother Bashir / brother Moon / Save Darfur / Africa Action / STANDnow demand of me?

1 comment:

Nogueira Jr. said...


“We are free to be free
To make our own destiny
To shine like the sun
To become one
To hide under the moon
Under in the gloom
To run with the deer
To make worry disappear
To listen and to hear
To love and to fear
To make our minds be clear
To laugh and to cheer
To travel and to steer
In the path we have chosen
To be hot or cold or even frozen
We are free to be free
To make our own destiny
And to look back from the finish line
And to shout with joy and not to whine.”
(By Daniel Hooks)

Nogueira Jr