Monday, September 10, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
BASHIR REJECTS UN. Vigil Day #151 Sudan Embassy July 29.
The Darfur Vigil returned to Round the Clock this past Monday maintained by Start Loving who returns to a base of operations for light calories, MP3 Player Electrons, and Internet mid afternoon for three hours each day. Saturday and Sunday are also spent at the base.
Sudan officially rejects revised UN text on Darfur force, Sudan Tribune
What does a world citizen, a Servant of The Almight / Good / World Family / Brotherliness do when:
- 450,000 have been exterminated under Bashir's watch? Our watch? China's Watch? NGO's Watch? "Activists" watch?
- 3 million displaced under Bashir's watch? Our watch? China's Watch? NGO's Watch? "Activists" watch?
- Brother Bashir heaps desecration on desecration, inhumanity on inhumanity, lie on lie, deception on deception?
- We-the-worlds-citizens heap hypocrisy on hypocrisy, lip service on lip service, excuse on excuse, inaction on inaction....
How does Start Loving serve the above? What does or do The Almighty / Goodness / Humanity / "Activist" brothers / brother Bashir / brother Moon / Save Darfur / Africa Action / STANDnow demand of me?
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Vigil for Darfur Day #141 Sudan Embassy DC
Have we ever been closer to the Rescue and Restore of Darfur? I don't think so:
- Effective pressure on China bearing fruit
- Powerful, humane leadership from France
- al-Bashir acquiescing to France / US / UK / China pressure
- "Lake Eire" being found under Darfur
- The Elders being formed of Mandella, Tutu, Carter... and Darfur spoken of as a focus
Let's not take our eyes off the ball. In fact, let's step up efforts dramatically.
IF YOUR DEAREST WERE IN A DARFUR DEATH CAMP in this 5th year of genocide, when our token wrist bands, one day fasts, sporadic lobbying, etc. have been correctly read by Washington as lip service, WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO RESCUE AND RESTORE DARFUR - TO SAVE YOUR DEAREST? DO IT. DO IT NOW.
Personally, I don't know what is going on with my body. Literally I feel like I've forgotten how to walk. I'd have thought what with 9-12 hours per day marching for months now in front of the Sudan Embassy all the pain would be gone. Quite the opposite. I need to keep going with the Sudan Embassy Vigil for many, many more months. Mustn't quit until the Rescue and Restore is underway with certainty. I don't know how I can bear the pain in my feet, legs and hips much longer. How bad is the pain? Well, I was hit by a car this week, my head crushed the windshield, my body caved the hood, I was thrown back on the pavement with the tire stopping inches from my head, and that pain was nothing compared with the pain of each step I take most hours per day. Very frustrating.
Oh well. It is amazing what you can do out of Love. It isn't the pain I mind so much, as the worry that it will sideline me at this crucial juncture. Mustn't let that happen.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Darfur's a fruad: "In Darfur" in Central Park
OK. These are the world leaders of the scam "Save Darfur" movement. Look at them. Is there a Genocide in Darfur or is this the most awesome career opportunity imiginable for these nice folks?

The Panel: (Back Row) John Prendergast (ICG), Samantha Power (Harvard), Nicholas Kristof (NY Times) and Daoud Ibrahim Hari; (Front) Omer Ismail, Mia Farrow (MIA IS THE EXCEPTION. SHE ACTUALLY BEHAVES AS THOUGH THERE IS A GENOCIDE - DAY IN AND DAY OUT), Winter Miller and Mark Hanis
More at: Photo Coverage: Public Theater's In Darfur Reading
Tuesday, July 10, 2007; Posted: 11:30 AM - by Ben Strothmann
The Public Theater offered New Yorkers a free staged reading of Winter Miller's In Darfur in Central Park for one night only, on Monday, July 9th. This reading continued the momentum generated by The Public's developmental production of In Darfur, which was highly successful in bringing audiences and artists together to raise awareness of the Darfur Crisis and encourage activism. The reading featured the original cast of The Public's production and was directed by Joanna Settle.
"Working as research assistant to Nicholas Kristof, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist at the New York Times, playwright Winter Miller is immersed in the issues surrounding the ongoing genocide in Darfur. In Darfur is the provocative account of three intertwined lives at a camp for internally displaced persons in Darfur. The story follows an aid worker's mission to save and protect lives, a journalist's pursuit to deliver a "Page One" story and a Darfuri woman's quest for safety. It is a searing story of urgency and international significance," state press materials....
Friday, June 29, 2007
His Excellency Omar al-Bashir To Speak on Crisis Via Satellite From
Accra, Ghana the site of the African Union Summit.
On Saturday, June 30, 2007, Sudan President Omar al-Bashir will speak
to Americans in five cities about plans he is promoting for peace in
his country and to resolve the continuing crisis in the Western Region
of Darfur.
President Omar al-Bashir will speak from Accra, Ghana where the
African Union Summit is taking place. He will take questions from the
press and public that are expected to assemble in Washington, DC, New
York, Philadelphia, Chicago and Los Angeles.
The events in America are being coordinated by the African Middle East
Literacy Foundation. According to sources in Accra, President Omar al-
Bashir plans to press for peace and for like commitments from Western
powers. Sources say he will use the backdrop of the AU Summit to
anchor his pledges and is expected to address the expanded “hybrid”
peacekeeping force in Darfur that will consist of 17,500 and 19,600
troops, in addition to more than 6,000 police who will help maintain
security in the region’s displaced person camps. The Sudanese
president has consistently accused the West of seeking to use the
United Nations “peacekeeping contingent” as a Trojan horse to topple
his regime. He is also expected to address peace efforts he and his
African Union counterparts are seeking to implement in the region.
President Omar al-Bashir will address the solidarity he has with
African heads of state and is anticipated to address Western media and
governments’ accusations that his government backs Arab militia to
kill, rape and burn villages of Blacks in that region. The Sudanese
President will again call for Western governments and humanitarian
groups operating in the area to cease their support of rebel factions
in the region and diligently push them to join into substantial peace
# # #
What follows are the venues, times and contacts for more information
about the satellite press conference on Saturday, June 30, 2007.
Chicago 1:00 – 4:00pm (CST)
Operation Push Headquarters
930 East 50th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60615
Contact Person: Malik Aziz, 813-928-7307
Los Angeles 11:00am – 2:00pm (PST)
Compton College
Student Lounge
1111 East Artesia Blvd, Compton Ca.
Contact Person: Dedon Kamathi, 323-294-3647
New York 2:00-5:00pm (EST)
Millennium UN Plaza Hotel
Ball Room 2nd Floor
One United Nation Plaza (44th St & 1st Ave)
New York, NY 10017
Contact Person: Idrees Saeed 212-361-9524
Philadelphia 2:00-5:00pm (EST)
Temple University
12th and Berks Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Contact Person: Jehron Hunter, 215-242-4755
Washington DC 2:00-5:00pm (EST)
DC Convention Center
801 Mount Vernon Place, NW – Room 103
Washington, DC 20001
Contact Person: Hodari Abdul Ali, 301-728-8949
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Vigil Day #113 Darfur Vigil Washington DC
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Stand with Darfur Sudan Embassy Vigil Day #102
102 days into this Darfur Vigil / Campaign a Q & A can be helpful:
Q. How is your health, are you still fasting; do you expect to survive?
A. My health is excellent. My weight continues to decline as I march 9-12 hours per day and take only about 800 calories per day, while normal intake for this level of activity might be closer to 3,000. I expect to survive. Although I experience no short or long term damage thus far, as my weight decreases to skeleton level some damage is likely.
Q. What is your routine, plan and why?
A. Basically I march with Darfur posters 9-12 hours per day depending on levels of pain and fatigue; some days are easy, some days are not. I take 2 breaks of roughly an hour each. I sleep sitting up (lying down would be arrestable) for the remainder. This is what I do 6/24. Saturday nights I accept hospitality at the Washington Peace House to shower, blog and bathe. I march for the same reason I do everything - as my best shot to stop the genocide by raising others to levels of "paying the price" to stop the genocide. Collateral benefits of the marching include: as opposed to traditional "Hunger Strikes" the marching is an added expression of commitment; and it drives my weight down faster so that soon I will be a visual reminder of the Holocaust Darfur is experiencing.
Q. How do you feel?
A. "A person is not equipped to Live until s/he knows what s/he would die for," said Dr. King. The corollary is that when you have something that is worth dying for you can fully Live. I feel fully aLive, full of Peace / Joy / Life / Love, and much pain. Some days are a breeze. Some days my legs are racked with pain even hours after I stop marching. But I am in such solidarity, from my soul, serving my Darfur family, that there are no more than a few seconds in any day that are not wonderful. I would not trade my quality of life these days for any time in my privileged 55 years. And I recommend that this level alone is where Life / the Divine / Love / Peace are to be found for the individual participant, and for their dear ones over the longer term. See Jesus, Good, God-Father, Alfred Adler, n Start Loving for more on this.
Q. What are you hoping to accomplish?
A. I am trying to stick / attach / insert the tortured, starving Darfuries on my large posters to the Hearts of the thousands of Federal, International, and normal drivers that pass me to and from work every day; EVERY DAY! Darfur has hit the "Head" of 70% of the U.S. populace, and the "Heart" of less than 10. Until it hits our Hearts, we will not "pay the price" of ending Genocide. Love and suffering is what you do for "family" in need. Right? Well it so happens that according to Dr. King (and your own reflection I'll wager), "Unearned suffering is redemptive."
Q. Are you being successful?
A. I am asked this question often. It is the wrong question in the sense that at such times that each of us is "humane," in our "right mind" it is not a question we would ask in the face of such attrocities. It is not the question of "brotherhood." The question of a Brother or Sister is, "What is my best shot in the face of such dire need?" The Sudan Embassy 24/6 Vigil / Fast / March is my best shot. I AM impacting thousands of influential people day, after day... 102 days so far. I am committed. I am "family." I am "paying the price." These things are all potentially infectious. [Apathy, neglect, indifference and lip service are also infectious.] There is no other hope besides what Gandhi prescribed, "Be the change you wish to see." The change I wish to see is millions "paying the price" to Rescue and Restore Darfur.
Q. Do you expect to continue and if so for how long?
A. I cannot imagine ending the Vigil until the Rescue of Darfur is unmistakably underway and their Restoration is absolutely assured. This could be by summer's end. It could be never.
Q. Are you still alone in this Sudan Embassy campaign and what are your needs?
A. I would have expired by now were it not for Ellen Thomas who simply saw the need and jumped in bringing whatever liquids and calories are needed every day. I have no needs. Our Darfur family needs hundreds or thousands of us "paying the price" for their rescue and restoration. Currently there are maybe 10 nation wide paying the price that needs to be paid.
Q. Is there progress for Darfur?
A. There may be progress for Darfur. France's energetic new regime. China's worry of having the PR value of the Olympics diminished. Some resolve on the part of the G8. Or it may be the 10,000th installment of "lip service," just like we-the-people of the world are giving our governmental employees (President, Congress...) lip service; and just like al-Bashier gives us all back - lip service.
Q. In your view what will it take to Rescue and Restore Darfur?
A. The only thing that has ever caused one group of people to be Rescued and Restored is other people "paying the price." The world has never stopped a genocide. We have never payed the price. If we-the-people do not pay the price, our elected officials, no dummies, will see that they have neither reward nor problems ahead, and Lip Service is all we'll get from them; and 2.5 million Darfuries will continue to die excruciating deaths. Yes China needs to be shamed leveraging the Olympics, multilateral sanctions are required on all parties in Sudan to force a lasting peace agreement, Russia needs bringing in line... BUT ALL THESE REQUIRE THAT THE PRICE BE PAID BY WE-THE-PEOPLE.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Day #98 Darfur Vigil Sudan Embassy D.C.
Students Pour Empathy Into Startling Poetry
By Delphine Schrank
If a war could be stopped with flights of compassion, 10-year-olds in Darfur might sleep a little easier tonight.
Comment from Start Loving: I've been captive of our Darfur family's agony for more than three years now. There is no hope for them until our Hearts wake-up that they are OUR IMMEDIATE FAMILY. In these past more than three years the Heart journey of these 10 year olds is one of the only rays of light I've seen; one of the only instances where our Family Darfur has made it into any of our Western Hearts. Oh, they've made it into plenty of our Heads, but with these 10 year olds... Love has happened. "And the Children will lead them." Children, lead us
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Bush Intensifies Pressure on Sudan, Michael Abramowitz and Debbi Wilgoren, Washington Post, May 29, 2007 Bush Looks To Intensify Pressure On Sudan By Michael AbramowitzWashington Post, May 29, 2007
U.S. DARFUR ACTIVISM TOTAL MORAL FAILURE? Imagine the three people in the world you love the very most. Remember how much you love them. Do it. Ok. Now imagine that 4 years ago an all powerful entity, God, came and disguised these loved ones as Darfuries beyond any hope of recognition and placed them in Darfur; and further told you that if you told anyone that your loved ones would die immediately. You are told that the only way you can save them is to stop the genocide and restore Darfuries to their lives. WOULD YOU BE ACTING ANY DIFFERENTLY THAN YOU ARE NOW?!??!?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!? You sure as hell would.
Here is the other way that I look at it. Another one of tests of accountability I hold myself to in my personal actions is to imagine myself in Heaven after I die in front of my Darfur brothers and sisters explaining what I did or did not do. I think I'll do all right in these conversations. In similar conversations with my Cambodian, Rwandan, Balkan... brothers and sisters the behaviors of mine I describe will leave me shamed and without a shred of humanity.
[US & UK have the Security Council until June 30. This is your last chance to TRULY Stand with Darfur. Join a Brigade of PeaceMakers - Darfur, NOW.]
I apply the same test when considering the behavior of my brothers and sisters in the "Save Darfur Movement (SDM)." I envision the conversation going something like this:
SDM: "Yes, we knew it was 4 years. Yes we knew 450,000 exterminated. Yes we knew 2.5 million in concentration camps of forced starvation, rape, mutilation, murder and disease. We in the US agonized for you our Darfur brothers and sisters. We had meetings, and more meetings. We fasted from luxuries for one whole day per year. ONE ENTIRE DAY - WE ABSTAINED FROM ONE OF OUR LUXURIES! On another day we formed a human chain. On another day we sent postcards. POSTCARDS! In all there were one million! We divested our Colleges and States. Sure the real money came from China but it helped a little and it gave us great connections and enhanced our resumes too! Two different sunny afternoons we went to parks for demonstrations, and we even listened to some of the speakers! Wow, we really pulled out all the stops! I mean, what else would you have wanted??!?!?!
DARFUR: "We wanted you to treat us as you would your immediate family, which before God, we are. "Do unto others, ALL that you would have done unto you." We were raped every day. Our children were starved every day. Our men were shot every day. Our women were mutilated every day. YOU DID NOTHING."
NEVER AGAIN DENY OUR FAMILY EMERGENCY! Eric Reeves, Brian Steidle and who else has laid down their lives for our Darfur FAMILY EMERGENCY?
The great desecration of the Holocaust didn't happen last month in Iran; it has been happening in the most Holocaust educated in the world, the US, for the last 4 years as we have risked nothing, suffered nothing, sacrificed nothing. We have done nothing.
Now we repent and vote immediately with our lives, WITH OUR LIVES giving Bush an iron clad, unmistakable mandate to end this, or we are Damned, and Darfur is dead.
Original, bad thinking? Strikingly parallel to what Rabbi Abraham J. Heschel had to say in 1938, possibly the most relevant prophetic, moral writing I've ever seen. For example:
* "We have trifled with the name of God. We have taken the ideals in vain. We have called for the Lord. He came. And was ignored. We have preached but eluded Him. We have praised but defied Him. Now we reap the fruits of our failure. Through centuries His voice cried in the wilderness. How skillfully it was trapped and imprisoned in the temples! How often it was drowned or distorted! Now we behold how it gradually withdraws, abandoning one people after another, departing from their souls, despising their wisdom. The taste for the good has all but gone from the earth. Men heap spite upon cruelty, malice upon atrocity."
* "Soldiers in the horror of battle offer solemn testimony that life is not a hunt for pleasure, but an engagement for service; that there are things more valuable than life; that the world is not a vacuum. Either we make it an altar for God or it is invaded by demons. "
* "The Almighty has not created the universe that we may have opportunities to satisfy our greed, envy and ambition. We have not survived that we may waste our years in vulgar vanities. The martyrdom of millions demands that we consecrate ourselves to the fulfillment of God’s dream of salvation. Israel did not accept the Torah of their own free will. When Israel approached Sinai, God lifted up the mountain and held it over their heads, saying: “Either you accept the Torah or be crushed beneath the mountain.
”The mountain of history is over our heads again. Shall we renew the covenant with God?"
YOUR LAST CHANCE/ THEIR LAST CHANCE: US & UK have the Security Council until June 30. This is your last chance to TRULY Stand with Darfur. Join a Brigade of PeaceMakers - Darfur, NOW.
See updates at all sites:
DARFUR'S LAST HOPE: Brigade of PeaceMakers: for Darfur. JOIN NOW
4 DARFUR HEROES; 21,000 FOR HOLOCAUST: Darfur Dying for Heroes
HUNGER STRIKE: Stand with Darfur: Sudan Embassy
WE'RE PROOF OF NO GENOCIDE: Darfur Genocide a Fraud
Actions 6/06 - 1/07: Stand With Darfur White House II
Actions 5/06 - 6/06: Stand With Darfur White House
Actions 7/05 - 5/06: Rescue Restore Darfur
[SEE: A Hunger For Justice : Darfur Becomes One Man's Cause for Deprivation Delphine Schrank, C01 (Post) Washington Post, April 14, 2007]
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Stanford protest leads to arrestsInside Bay Area, CA - May 23, 2007The arrests Tuesday come on the heels of a hunger strike on campus last month, organized by the Stanford Labor Action Coalition. That protest sought higher ...Stanford Students Expect "Moral Integrity" from Prez Yahoo! Newsall 16 news articles »
A Hunger Strike Epidemic?Inside Higher Ed, DC - May 11, 2007Matt Seriff-Cullick, a junior at Stanford who took the quarter off to help organize the hunger strike there and negotiate with the administration, ...
Striking ZealotryHarvard Crimson, MA - May 21, 2007On the heels of a student hunger strike, Harvard’s outsourced security guards have authorized a strike against their employer, AlliedBarton, ...
UVM students end hunger strike, make deal with administrationVermont Guardian, VT - Apr 27, 2007On Sunday, students at Stanford University ended a nine-day hunger strike when the school’s president agreed to revisit its livable wage policy as it ...
Campus Progress
Starving for Social JusticeCampus Progress, DC - May 9, 2007On Thursday, May 3, 11 Harvard University students began a hunger strike in protest of the university’s decision not to intervene in stalled contract ...
F(ocus) Your ActivismHarvard Crimson, MA - May 11, 2007When the hunger strike commenced I wasn’t initially perturbed like many students on campus who reacted as if they were the ones being forced into an ...
Interview: Fasting For A ChangeNow - Apr 26, 2007Daniel Weissman puts up a banner on the first day of the strike. » View Slideshow. Hunger striker Daniel Weissman is a physics graduate student at Stanford ...
'You're messing up my head,, UK - May 10, 2007That day, 416 went on hunger strike, and two more prisoners - 1037 and 4325 - were sent home after showing symptoms of severe stress. ...
Ire and Vice: Obfuscated incorporatedStanford Daily, CA - May 8, 2007Diane Peck’s recent letter, regarding SLAC’s hunger strike, is a masterpiece. She obfuscates: “Hundreds of employees ... have been beneficiaries of the ...
Sweat-Free stages “sew-in”Stanford Daily, CA - Apr 26, 2007... on the coattails of the recent Stanford Labor Action Coalition (SLAC)-sponsored fast, when about a dozen students and supporters went on a hunger strike ...
A Standout Sit-InInside Higher Ed, DC - May 1, 2007That is more of a description of what happened at Stanford University last week, when a hunger strike ended with the university raising regular employees’ ...
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Darfur: U.S. Activism a TOTAL MORAL FAILURE
Delphine Schrank, C01 (Post) Washington Post, April 14, 2007]
What is wrong with this nasty, angry man! Some of my brothers and sisters in the Darfur activist community must be wondering. The rest have simply written me off.
Imagine the three people in the world you love the very most. Remember how much you love them. Do it. Ok. Now imagine that 4 years ago an all powerful entity, God, came and disguised these loved ones as Darfuries beyond any hope of recognition and placed them in Darfur; and further told you that if you told anyone that your loved ones would die immediately. You are told that the only way you can save them is to stop the genocide and restore Darfuries to their lives. WOULD YOU BE ACTING ANY DIFFERENTLY THAN YOU ARE NOW?!??!?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!? You sure as hell would.
Here is the other way that I look at it. Another one of tests of accountability I hold myself to in my personal actions is to imagine myself in Heaven after I die in front of my Darfur brothers and sisters explaining what I did or did not do. I think I'll do all right in these conversations. In similar conversations with my Cambodian, Rwandan, Balkan... brothers and sisters the behaviors of mine I describe will leave me shamed and without a shred of humanity.
[US & UK have the Security Council until June 30. This is your last chance to TRULY Stand with Darfur. Join a Brigade of PeaceMakers - Darfur, NOW.]
I apply the same test when considering the behavior of my brothers and sisters in the "Save Darfur Movement (SDM)." I envision the conversation going something like this:
SDM: "Yes, we knew it was 4 years. Yes we knew 450,000 exterminated. Yes we knew 2.5 million in concentration camps of forced starvation, rape, mutilation, murder and disease. We in the US agonized for you our Darfur brothers and sisters. We had meetings, and more meetings. We fasted from luxuries for one whole day per year. ONE ENTIRE DAY - WE ABSTAINED FROM ONE OF OUR LUXURIES! On another day we formed a human chain. On another day we sent postcards. POSTCARDS! In all there were one million! We divested our Colleges and States. Sure the real money came from China but it helped a little and it gave us great connections and enhanced our resumes too! Two different sunny afternoons we went to parks for demonstrations, and we even listened to some of the speakers! Wow, we really pulled out all the stops! I mean, what else would you have wanted??!?!?!
DARFUR: "We wanted you to treat us as you would your immediate family, which before God, we are. "Do unto others, ALL that you would have done unto you." We were raped every day. Our children were starved every day. Our men were shot every day. Our women were mutilated every day. YOU DID NOTHING."
NEVER AGAIN DENY OUR FAMILY EMERGENCY! Eric Reeves, Brian Steidle and who else has laid down their lives for our Darfur FAMILY EMERGENCY?
The great desecration of the Holocaust didn't happen last month in Iran; it has been happening in the most Holocaust educated in the world, the US, for the last 4 years as we have risked nothing, suffered nothing, sacrificed nothing. We have done nothing.
Now we repent and vote immediately with our lives, WITH OUR LIVES giving Bush an iron clad, unmistakable mandate to end this, or we are Damned, and Darfur is dead.
Original, bad thinking? Strikingly parallel to what Rabbi Abraham J. Heschel had to say in 1938, possibly the most relevant prophetic, moral writing I've ever seen. For example:
* "We have trifled with the name of God. We have taken the ideals in vain. We have called for the Lord. He came. And was ignored. We have preached but eluded Him. We have praised but defied Him. Now we reap the fruits of our failure. Through centuries His voice cried in the wilderness. How skillfully it was trapped and imprisoned in the temples! How often it was drowned or distorted! Now we behold how it gradually withdraws, abandoning one people after another, departing from their souls, despising their wisdom. The taste for the good has all but gone from the earth. Men heap spite upon cruelty, malice upon atrocity."
* "Soldiers in the horror of battle offer solemn testimony that life is not a hunt for pleasure, but an engagement for service; that there are things more valuable than life; that the world is not a vacuum. Either we make it an altar for God or it is invaded by demons. "
* "The Almighty has not created the universe that we may have opportunities to satisfy our greed, envy and ambition. We have not survived that we may waste our years in vulgar vanities. The martyrdom of millions demands that we consecrate ourselves to the fulfillment of God’s dream of salvation. Israel did not accept the Torah of their own free will. When Israel approached Sinai, God lifted up the mountain and held it over their heads, saying: “Either you accept the Torah or be crushed beneath the mountain.
”The mountain of history is over our heads again. Shall we renew the covenant with God?"
YOUR LAST CHANCE/ THEIR LAST CHANCE: US & UK have the Security Council until June 30. This is your last chance to TRULY Stand with Darfur. Join a Brigade of PeaceMakers - Darfur, NOW.
See updates at all sites:
DARFUR'S LAST HOPE: Brigade of PeaceMakers: for Darfur. JOIN NOW
4 DARFUR HEROES; 21,000 FOR HOLOCAUST: Darfur Dying for Heroes
HUNGER STRIKE: Stand with Darfur: Sudan Embassy
WE'RE PROOF OF NO GENOCIDE: Darfur Genocide a Fraud
Actions 6/06 - 1/07: Stand With Darfur White House II
Actions 5/06 - 6/06: Stand With Darfur White House
Actions 7/05 - 5/06: Rescue Restore Darfur
Thursday, April 12, 2007
US Christians shamefully exploit Darfur Genocide
[SEE: A Hunger For Justice : Darfur Becomes One Man's Cause for Deprivation Delphine Schrank, C01 (Post) Washington Post, April 14, 2007]
GOLDEN RULE: "Do unto others ALL that you would have them do unto you." This has not been considered, let alone practiced. Inactivism thus far has been TOTAL MORAL FAILURE.
And who in the Darfur InActivist Christian Community is doing these? In year four of a genocide Jesus would be hanging banners? Jesus holding signs for an hour someplace all the while thinking and talking about everything except Darfur and having a grand social time of it? Jesus lobying with congress for a day? Jesus calling the President - and this is it?
"Do unto others ALL that you would have them do unto you."
"The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep."
This can be the day that Christianity, real "lays down his life" stuff came back to earth. It must be that day. We'll be given no more chances like Darfur.
Lay down your life for Darfur, with us or some other way - Brigade of PeaceMakers: for Darfur . Do it now. In the name of God.
See updates at all sites:
DARFUR'S LAST HOPE: Brigade of PeaceMakers: for Darfur. JOIN NOW SAVING DARFUR, EARTH, OURSELVES: Jesus, God, Good...
4 DARFUR HEROES; 21,000 FOR HOLOCAUST: Darfur Dying for Heroes
HUNGER STRIKE: Stand with Darfur: Sudan Embassy
WE'RE PROOF OF NO GENOCIDE: Darfur Genocide a Fraud
Actions 6/06 - 1/07: Stand With Darfur White House II
Actions 5/06 - 6/06: Stand With Darfur White House
Actions 7/05 - 5/06: Rescue Restore Darfur
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Facing Prison for Darfur. Day #6 Hunger Strike in DC
In Januray I was on 23 hour/day vigil for Darfur at the White House. An old-school park police officer was on duty one night and decided he wanted me out of the park. After 60+ nights in the park vigiling for Darfur without arrest, he decided to chase me out. I would not leave my Darfur post. It was a nasty arrest. The next court date is March 21st.
The activists that have been demonstrating in the park for years agains war, nuclear weapons, etc. are kind of tired I think of my praising the professionalism and humanity of the police in the park. This gentlemen, this night, was a horrible exception.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
"Working" Hunger Strike for Darfur Day #3
Having begun the Hunger Strike for Darfur, almost literally on my way to the White House the morning of March 1st I came upon Thomas who was returning from his 25 year vigil. He reached his operations base and was obviously in great distress. I was asked to stay and help watch things while he was taken to the hospital. "Of course," I replied. Later in the day Thomas's wife Ellen called and said, "Thomas is hoping you will take his place at the 25 year vigil tonight." "Of course," I responded. It looks like it will be some days before Thomas can return. I've been asked to stand in until he can return. It is my great honor and privelage to take his place (inadequately as I can) until he can return. Ellen said I was the answer to many, many prayers. I am devestatingly humbled.
What about Darfur? Darfur is dying for Heroes, for lack of global brotherhood / humanity / Love / Otherishness / Spirit. Our Darfur Family can only be saved by the "Ransom" of This in the hearts of people. That is the work of the 25 year Peace Vigil. By working there I will be working for Darfur, although not as directly as I had planned, for now.
"Working" Hunger Strike? It is about a mile to the White House which I cover four times per day at 5:45am, 10:30am, 4:45pm and 10:30pm. Also, as time and energy permit I continue at construction on Thomas's base of operation. I figure this is 3-500 calories per day of energy I'd not be spending if I were stationary at the White House. I expect to consume this many calories per day as an offset.
Why Hunger Strike? How long? A hunger strike, if done out of the Spirit of brotherhood/Solidarity/Love/Service is a way of turning that Spirit, that Flame, up to high - turning up the Heat, Light, and Firemaking potential to maximum. Can it Ignite a bunch of people? As soaking wet as most of us, the wood, are? Hardly. But it might ignite a twig or so that happens to come near enough and be ready enough, and together we might then ignite a third.... And it will begin drying some of the other wood. Or not. G d knows.
Burning that hot (Hunger Strike) burns up the candle, the body. I'm expecting to continue for 45 days on only water. I've done electrolytes previously and this is too high tech, to "material." I expect to consume only water this time. At 45 days (it will not be a "working" hunger strike by then) I expect to consume about 400 calories per day for another month or so. This will be tough, but I'll probably make it through without too much damage to my body. No matter. What matters is that a Fire (Life) starts, and we stop the Darfur Genocide. Now.
Will this Hunger Strike do any Good? Certainly. Enough? Almost certainly not. Almost, certainly not.
Think of something more hopeful that I could do. If you succeed, tell me.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Darfur Hunger Strike Resumes
Beyond that there is not much to say except what I've already written:
How does an outsider live in the face of Genocide?...
Darfur Hunger Strike March 1st; Ascent Begun
JESUS LED US TOWARD SUFFERING. Less we'll do for ...
Dave Dellinger Quotations Blog
I'm a bit worried about doing a Hunger Strike in what remains of winter. But, I'm even more worried about delaying any longer, just like what everyone else is doing. In killing time we are killing Darfur.
My Spirit is very good by the way. There has not been a second in as many months as I can remember now where the teaching's of Jesus (Tolstoy's "Gospel in Brief") have not demonstrated themselves to me as a better compass toward Joy / Life / Love / Peace / Truth / Heaven on Earth than everything I have ever known that says the contrary - that Stuff, Superiority and Systems/Institutions (even the worship of the "my" family Institution. ESPECIALLY "MY" FAMILY...) are the way. They are not. Waging TOTAL Love/Brotherhood is the way. As Ashley Montegue said, "The evils of the world are not due to the absence of love, but rather the presence of tribal love." (or something like that.)
Last night is the first time that the following has occurred to me, but in flashes such as what occurred this is how Jesus brilliance comes to me. I can see that once the System got a clear experience with Jesus, Jesus' days were numbered. They would dispose of him quickly. Not that it was a simple matter of plot or malevolence. There really is no malevolence in a pit bull. Killing life is simply what pit bulls do.
And, it is not quite that simple either. HEROES: Heaven on Earth (by whatever name you call it) is the Reign of Otherishness displacing Selfishness. Jesus was a Hero. Both Otherishness and Selfishness cannot reign. They are mutually exclusive. They literally kill/displace each other. Well, in Jesus day Selfishness reigned. The prevailing Systems/Institutions "sensed" Jesus as a mortal threat; He was. Their very being required that they be drawn toward killing Him before simply by His being and infecting others with Otherishness He killed them - the Systems/Institutions. Well, you say, but men killed Jesus. Men had in Truth enslaved themselves to the God of Mammon - Systems/Institutions. It is the same today, but much, much, much, much more so.
We may be laughing at j's delusionalism weeks or months ahead - his aggrandizement, and demonization of U.S. Systems/Institutions/Way of Life (Death). My guess is that we will not be laughing. Once I enter the system (the wrongful "Camping" at the White House on 23hr/day Darfur Vigil arrest has a court date of 3/21; Guantanamo arrest - April something; next; etc.) they will have to destroy me. They will want me to accept the inhuman treatment we Americans administer to millions of prisoners, and I suspect I will refuse to cooperate. As Gandhi said, "It is as much my moral obligation not to cooperate with evil as it is to cooperate with good." If they do not destroy me, my example will be a great threat to them. What would the other prisoners do?
No matter. What matters is that we Rescue and Restore Darfur. Now. Join the Heroes. Darfur is Dying for Heroes.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Darfur: SO RUDE! 4 yrs of emails but gang rape continues.
Source: Trócaire
Date: 23 Feb 2007
The Darfur conflict: four years on
The 23rd of February 2007 marks four years of brutal conflict between the Government of Sudan and rebel groups in the western region of Darfur. Throughout this time hundreds of thousands of people have died, with estimates of the mortality rate ranging from 200,000 to 400,000. The violence has displaced over 2.5 million people from their homes. Those who have survived attacks on their villages have often sought refuge in the sprawling IDP camps that have multiplied in Darfur, or alternatively have tried to find shelter across the border in refugee camps in eastern Chad, also plagued by 'spillover' violence from Darfur.
Worsening Insecurity
Ongoing insecurity makes life for the people of Darfur extremely challenging with over 4 million out of a population of 7 million now affected by the conflict. Yet as needs rise in the context of such alarming insecurity, the ability of humanitarian agencies to meet these needs is also threatened. The targeting and killing of humanitarian workers and the hijacking of humanitarian vehicles and supplies have recently prompted several relief agencies to suspend operations and relocate staff away from the most insecure areas of Darfur, or to withdraw from Darfur altogether.
World's worst humanitarian crisis
... and the article continues: The Darfur conflict: four years on
To contact Trócaire's press team:
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Catherine Ginty,
Press Officer,
T: +353 1 505 3270
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Northern Ireland & UK
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Friday, February 16, 2007
Darfur Genocide is Killing What's Left of the UN
UN's Ban Accuses Sudan of Blocking Human Rights MissionHULIQ, NC - 18 minutes agoThe UN chief also said he is awaiting a report from his special envoy to Darfur Jan Eliasson of Sweden on formation of a hybrid UN-African Union peacekeeping force for Darfur. He told reporters he is concerned that conditions are worsening as President ...
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Save Darfur? Save Darfur AND save ourselves while there is time
Time to do both - Save Darfur AND save our Humanity. We are out of time.

Full Article: Children left in the shadows
Full UN REPORT: An Overview of Child-Wellbeing in Rich Countries
...The United Nations report, published today, reveals that the richest countries in the world are conversely some of the poorest when it comes to their treatment of children.
Joining the UK with the worst child welfare record is the US, the world's only superpower and considered to be the beating heart of the world's economy.
Both Britain and the US found themselves in the bottom third of the rankings for five of six areas of child welfare.
Many social studies experts say the only way to reverse the trend is to solve the root of the problem - public attitudes in Britain to children. Some say the modern way of life leaves little time for children, who are often seen in the rat-race culture as a pest.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Genocide in Darfur? We are "ALL EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY."
Apartheid/Genocide in Israel/Palestine?
Three million slaughtered in Congo to steal raw materials for western "stuff?"
Why the hell have I spent four of the last eight months in front of the White House regarding Darfur Genocide? Because I can't continue to be "all evidence to the contrary."
I've just watched "Rachel Corrie: An American Consicience." At youtube you can find snippets on Rachel (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, more Rachel). But this movie is devistatingly effective at showing the Genocide of the Palastinian people.
We Americans, the normal day-to-day lives (deaths) we live are "ALL EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY."
Sunday, February 11, 2007
The full-scale launch of a large, organized campaign to highlight China’s complicity in the Darfur genocide appears likely to begin soon. But it’s past time to start thinking about how to tap the creative power of students and other Darfur advocates in this critical initiative. Enough of selling green bracelets and writing letters to those who are content with posturing or avoiding the central challenge of the moment: changing the international diplomatic dynamic in ways that will result in deployment of an international peace-support operation to Darfur, one that can provide adequate protection to civilians and humanitarians. Without such security, humanitarian organizations will continue to withdraw and hundreds of thousands of additional Darfuri lives will be lost.
It’s time, now, to begin shaming China---demanding that if the Beijing government is going to host the premier international event, the Summer Olympic Games of 2008, they must be responsible international partners. China’s slogan for these Olympic Games---“One world, one dream”---is a ghastly irony, given Beijing’s complicity in the Darfur genocide (see the website for China’s hosting of the Olympic Games at The Chinese leadership must understand that if they refuse to use their unrivaled political, economic, and diplomatic leverage with Khartoum to secure access for the force authorized under UN Security Council Resolution 1706, then they will face an extremely vigorous, unrelenting, and omnipresent campaign to shame them over this refusal.
To succeed, such a campaign must be fully international in character. The first order of business, I believe, is to fashion creative means for translating key talking points and broader analyses into a variety of languages and exporting them to as many countries as possible. If people come to understand the connection between China as host of the Olympic Games and China as silent partner in the Darfur genocide, they may well be moved to object to this intensely dismaying double role. But they must understand the connection clearly.
How to proceed? With knowledge comes both power and responsibility; the key task is to transfer knowledge to those presently ignorant of China’s role in Sudan generally and Darfur specifically. Some possible bullet points are offered below. Further below is an analysis of Chinese President Hu’s recent business trip to Khartoum, as well as two opinion pieces on the “Genocide Olympics.”
It is important to remember that this should not, in my strongly held view, be a campaign to boycott the Olympics: a boycott would defeat the whole purpose of the campaign, and be deeply divisive. Moreover, if a boycott were successful (extremely unlikely) the political platform from which to challenge China would disappear. Further, a boycott in and of itself achieves nothing: the challenge is to shame China, to hold Beijing’s leaders accountable, to make them understand that without exerting all necessary pressure on Khartoum, the current campaign will only grow in strength and visibility right up to the Opening Ceremonies.
Nor are athletes the targets. Certainly they can be encouraged to wear a green stripe, of whatever prominence and size they dare, on their athletic attire as a symbol of their support for the people of Darfur. Certainly they should be encouraged to speak out publicly on Darfur. But the Olympic athletes are not the target: the Beijing regime is. The regime alone has the power to change the current diplomatic dynamic in ways that will force Khartoum to allow in the forces that can provide security to the victims of ongoing genocide. China, not the Olympic Games or its participants, is the target.
What are the key initial tasks?
There is tremendous scope for creative advocacy here, and for the deployment of diverse skills and energies: linguistic, [Internet], communications, graphic design, advocacy writing, and organizational. What happens, for example, if 1,000 students and advocates demonstrate before the Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C., declaring with banner, placards, and T-shirts that China will be held accountable for its complicity in the Darfur genocide? What happens if such demonstrations are continuous, and grow, and take place outside China’s embassies in other countries? [In] many other countries? What happens if everywhere---everywhere---Chinese diplomats and politicians travel they are confronted by those who insist on making this an occasion for highlighting China’s role in the Darfur genocide?
Aspiring or experienced documentarians can make full use of extensive and widely available photography and videography to make short films that highlight the tradition of the Olympic Games, the Darfur genocide, and China’s role. It would not be inappropriate to include footage of the 1936 Olympic Games, held in Nazi Germany, as an example of a precedent for current concerns about genocide in Darfur. The opportunities for graphic artists, using photography and other resources, are also innumerable. Everything from high-quality PDF files to screensavers, bumper-stickers, posters, T-shirts, and coffee mugs can send the key message.
Translation is a key task: this cannot be an American or even Western campaign. China must feel the shaming pressure from all quarters. Those with advanced language skills---French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Swahili, German, Italian, Russian, Hungarian, Czech, or others---should start putting those skills to use in translating key texts and advocacy suggestions from English. Those with contacts in other countries should start networking, creating an advocacy presence on as many international fronts as possible. Human Rights in China ( may be an organization with the potential to introduce the issue into China itself. Other such means of taking the campaign directly to Beijing are available.
Letter-writing and petition campaigns that alert the International Olympic Committee ( to the terrible disgrace of China’s dual role---sustaining the Darfur genocide and hosting the Games---will certainly register. Similar campaigns to urge Olympic corporate sponsors to use their leverage with the Chinese might also be effective: this is the season for corporate sponsorship agreements to be finalized.
To succeed, this campaign must go “viral”: it must be potent, creative, focused, and uncontrollable. It must take every advantage of the various means offered by the era of electronic communication (I’ll offer links on my website,, to particularly useful or creative efforts). The Chinese must be forced to see that there is a stark choice before them: either they use their leverage effectively with Khartoum and secure the regime’s assent for deployment of the UN peace support operation---authorized by Security Council Resolution 1706---or they will be the target of the most powerful international shaming campaign in history. The Chinese must understand that there is no third option, no “third way.”
The general lack of effective advocacy actions and initiatives has not been lost on Khartoum’s ruthless génocidaires. Despite the very high profile and potent nature of the American Darfur advocacy movement, and despite the enormous and consequential successes of the American-led divestment campaign, the pressure must be ratcheted up a good deal higher. Other European companies may well follow the lead of Germany’s Siemens and Switzerland’s ABB Ltd: both recently suspended operations in Sudan, as demanded by the divestment campaign that is currently a powerful success nationally. Such ongoing loss of European commercial and capital investment certainly has the full attention of the National Islamic Front leadership. But these losses must be combined with concerted diplomatic pressure from the Chinese, Khartoum’s dominant economic partner and military enabler, and heretofore unwavering diplomatic protector.
The task is daunting but fully practicable, given the moral passion and creative energies of the Darfur advocacy community. Let the campaigns begin!
Some suggested bullet points on China’s complicity in the Darfur genocide:
•China abstained from UN Security Council Resolution 1706 (August 2006), compromising international support for a critically needed peace support operation in Darfur
•China has repeatedly and uncritically supported claims of national sovereignty by Khartoum, emboldening the regime in its defiance of the UN and international community
•In pursuit of Sudan’s oil riches, China has for many years ignored massive human rights abuses and atrocity crimes by the Khartoum regime throughout Sudan
•China has been Khartoum’s leading weapons supplier over the past decade and more; many of these weapons have been used in Darfur
•China has sent the diplomatic signals which, in their tepid nature, convince Khartoum it can complete its genocidal counter-insurgency war in Darfur without serious consequences
•It is time for China to recognize that it cannot be a legitimate host of the 2008 Olympic Games while remaining complicit in Darfur’s genocidal destruction. China must use its enormous leverage with Khartoum to secure consent for the deployment of international forces fully capable of protecting civilians and humanitarians in Darfur and eastern Chad.
•If China refuses, Beijing must face an unprecedented, unwavering, unstoppable campaign of shame---one that will attach an unbearable opprobrium to genocidal complicity.
“Understanding President Hu’s Business Trip to Khartoum” at [and]
Articles on the “Genocide Olympics” [essentially a pairing of a recent "Washington Post" editorial and Reeves' subsequent "Boston Globe" op-ed] at [and]
Eric Reeves
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063
Friday, February 09, 2007
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
Returning, but not so fast
At each moment our job is to spend our seconds having the greatest impact we possibly can on building the community. One of the highest leverage, highest impact opportunities is to protect, value, encourage and build an existing community that has some significant goodness to it, and or significant future promise. It is also a sacred opportunity to extend kindness and support to those that have been fighting the war at extreme personal cost.
To my surprise I remain in DC but away from the White House Darfur Stand Vigil. A rough edged, but to my eyes, "Blessed Community" that has fought for humanity for decades at great personal sacrifice continues to offer me the opportunity to help them with a construction project that they need completed. It is totally unglamorous. Extremely menial. Yet, I find it a sacred opportunity. I don't suspect many others would see it the same. As a matter of fact, this opportunity could be known by hundreds of folks because the activists I am helping are internationally known. So, by definition others don't see the opportunity as I do. :-)
The project just expanded so I expect to be away from the White House for yet another week. In my imagination I "check in" with my Darfur family and I get an "OK" from them regarding this detour. Surprising, but true.
ps: Oh yes, Jesus WAS a carpenter. Me too right now.
pps: The activists I am helping include members that vigil outside in this freezing weather 12 hours a day. I'm pretty sure that in some small part they are trying to keep me out of that same cold the 23hrs/day as otherwise I would be. I feel no reluctance to be in the cold and actually miss serving in that way right now. However, our Father's will, not mine, be done. God/Good works in mysterious ways. :-)
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Returning to the White House
For three years now Darfur Genocide has been the strategic focus I have been called to in this war. I suspect that this will continue.
However, from time to time I have been, and will continue to be called on temporary alternate assignments.
I am just now finishing up one such alternative assignment. For the last seven months the Washington Peace Center and the 25 Year Peace Vigil at the White House have been a Godsend to the Stand With Darfur - White House II (and I (one))vigil. Their contributions have been of God / Good. For the past week I've had an opportunity to make a contribution to them by helping in some construction they needed done on an office. It has been my honor and joy to do so.
I fully expect that by week's end I'll be back 23hrs/day at the White House.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Darfur: Our life is entirely to address such needs
"[The Kingdom] consists in fulfillment of the Father's will and that fulfillment depends on each man's efforts and striving that people might understand that life is given not for oneself personally but only for the fulfillment of the Father's will, which alone saves us from death and gives life...." Gospel in Brief, Leo Tolstoy. The Father? The Father of us all. Real? I hope not. Indespensible as an imaginary construct - yes. To my shock and utter delight - yes.
WOW. My experience of these recent days is that I'm pretty close to conforming with the above. Oh my God, it is awesome. YES, this is absurd from the perspective of the religion of our society - greed; Life is given for my personal pleasure and for that of a few people around me. Oh my God, this is such an empty, joyless way to exist - death, emptiness. Oh I grieve for the 4 decades I've lived this lie. Oh I grieve for my loved ones that fully buy into this lie. They are so close, some of them, but so far. I wish I could save them. I wish I could save everyone. I'll try. I'll keep trying.
Jesus did not save the rich young man. He tried. I suspect He never gave up. But to the casual observer it probably looked like He abandoned the young man. He did not. No, he didn't go after the young man. Counter intuitively, to go after the young man would have diminished the creative tension that their encounter created - and only that creative tension was the young man's hope. Many are called, but few are chosen. Only God, Good can save. We must be Good/God, as much of the time, as intensely as possible. There is no other hope than this. There is nothing else to be done.
Imagine what the world would be like if this is how we lived the seconds of our lives. Now. Imagine it.
Darfur is maybe the greatest opportunity, gateway, for us to learn that Life is not given for our personal amusement, but for the extraordinary adventure of healing the world.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Re Darfur: Jesus was a fool
If only He had lived today He, like Saint Jim Walis and the rest of the self proclaimed Christians would have realized that all He needed to do was sit back and blame Caesar! What an idiot! A freekin Martyr.
Jim Wallis: For God's Sake, Save Darfur
Re: Darfur - Holocaust the height of Humanity
Ha! What a joke! It was the height of Humanity! Today in the face of Genocide Eric Reeves and who else is sacrificing to save these folks? Oh yes, there were a few rallies and that heroic day when we sacrificed luxuries.
Your response and mine is a moral outrage.
God damn us. God damn us.
ps: He is. He is.
Court Status
I'll be helping a friend work on their house for several days - then, back to the White House vigil.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Darfur: Day 134 White House Vigil 23 Hr/Day
Note: 1/19/07 I have a court date in Alexandria Federal for my arrest at the Pentagon 12/29/06 for handing out the book, "Colateral Damage." I am not knowledgeable in the process regarding this - what may happen tomorrow. I think it is astonishing that none of the other activists involved with me, knowing of my inexperience, have coached me and advised me. Amazing. Oh well. My point? Can I be put in jail tomorrow? If so, I'll REALLY be out of communication for up to about 30 days! :-) Rejoice for me, don't grieve! Our job is to be a "sacrifice" as Jesus was. Why?!?!?!?! Because that is how it works! Progress toward humanity happens when people sacrifice, Period; When people allow the evil of systems or persons to become manifest on their own body; thereby protecting others, bringing the evil into view, that maybe it may become seen for what it is, intollerable, and removed. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY. To be alive (instead of merely existing) is to Sacrifice for others. There is no other way to be ALive.
Arrested falsely/illegally for "Camping" in President's Park. Every other night the Officers have been professional and have acknowledged that by sitting up all night with my posters I was legally within my rights. 2 weeks ago an officer, old line, nasty - decided different and arrested me when I would not be intimidated and flee (I was fearful and felt abused). Mid March court date. Up to 180 days in prison faced. I'll go to court rather than pay $50 and dodging the jail time, trying to protect others from abuse by this officer, and to help him see the error of his ways.
Sub freezing nights now. With the help of an Angel I'm surviving fine. People have been providing food.
Much time to commune with our Father. Awesome.
One candle can ignite the entire world. Not, if it goes out.
Our Father in Heaven does not operate according to the interests of the flesh. He is Spirit. We have within us His Son. We can choose to let that Son rule, and thereby reside with Him in Heaven, at this moment. I'm in, or close.
My food is to do His will, to serve His family as best I can - in Darfur for now. I have much Food now, and in the future. A banquet.
My life is filled, every moment, with Love, Peace, Joy, Life and Persecution.
Jesus took upon himself the sins of the world. He showed us how to live. We are all called to follow him. He was the perfect sacrifice. We are to strive to be the same - to save others, to save ourselves. It works. It is the Truth. I recommend it highly - way above any other way of life (Death) I have tried. I regret those years I've lived away from Him. I grieve for those who choose to live away from Him / Love / Life / Sacrifice / Persecution.
Dr. King: "Nothing is so tempting as evil in the garb of Virtue." I am escaping Temptation regularly, unlike most of my life up until now. Join in! Live!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Darfur: A Christain US would stop Genocide now
Moving back toward Lafayette Park - Christmas Eve
Who could doubt that a US of Christ followers (as distinct from "admirers," "exploiters" or "abusers") would have stopped Genocide in its tracks?
Who could doubt that if Jesus were alive He would stand alone if necessary with his very life to stand with Darfur against Genocide? "The good shepherd lays down his Life for his flock...."
May the Joy, Love and Peace of Christmas emerge from the rubble of the Christ-Distortion/Abuse/Perversion/Exploitation that is piled in Everests smothering and obscuring what He taught, and how He Loved.
That Darfur may be saved. That we may be saved. This His "Kingdom come." There is no more time to wait.
ps: The "religious" teachings for which I claim some knowledge and expertise are those of Jesus. Yet in my limited knowledge I suspect that were we a Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Humanist, Ethical or Buddhist US we too would have stopped the Genocide and "Saved" ourselves.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Darfur: Never Again... What? So few "rescuers!!!!"
For 2.5 years now I've been possessed by the Darfur Genocide - by the call to stop it, to give it my all, to take my best shot. All that time, and I still do not fully grasp what "Never Again" means. I think I am not the only one that does not grasp the meaning.
I feel I am grasped by "Never Again" and I would like to grasp the meaning! I think that would be helpful to guide my future efforts. The following is a quick musing that just occurred to me, toward the goal of "grasping" that which has me in its grasp:
"Never Again," that phrase that has a casual residence in so many of us is ultimately a statement of price one must be willing to pay in order to be a fully functioning humane being. As I try to imagine what that continuum is I start at the easy, least costly end and work to the other end. What should I be willing to "pay," what "price" to be a full humane being. What would I want for others to risk, to "pay" if necessary to stop a Genocide being visited on my group?
* Awareness
* Postcards
* A phone call or two
* Attending a meeting or rally
* Conveniences
* Luxuries
* Most or all leisure time
* Career
* Household
* Health
* Life
* The physical health and welfare of my immediate loved ones, indirectly through my resonsible efforts??!?!?!!
Hmmmm. Seems absurd. But risking or paying the ultimate price is what the Righteous Among Nations did - the 10,000 or so non-Jews that are recognized for heroically working to rescue Jews during the Holocaust.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Darfur: US must end constructive engagement policy...
The Bush administration must end its policy of constructive engagement and push for multilateral measures -- either through the Security Council or a "coalition of the willing" -- that will finally change Khartoum's calculations. These include the following:
-- Apply asset freezes and travel bans to NCP leaders responsible for atrocities in Darfur, as determined by previous UN investigations.
-- Investigate the offshore accounts of the NCP and its affiliated businesses to facilitate economic sanctions against the regime's commercial entities, the main conduits for NCP revenue used to support the Janjaweed.
-- Explore possible sanctions against the petroleum sector, including bans on investment and the provision of technical expertise and equipment.
-- Share intelligence with the International Criminal Court to break the cycle of impunity.
Tigers don't change their stripes. History demonstrates that Khartoum bends when it faces strong pressure, and it's time to punish those who orchestrate atrocity crimes in Darfur to get a muscular, mobile, U.N. force on the ground. The world is three years into this crisis and we still have not confronted the criminal cabal in Khartoum. Shame on us.
Monday, October 16, 2006
DARFUR: Lazarus' Soup, are we obliged to spit in it? As brothers and sisters, are we morally obliged?
No we-the-citizens are not responsible for the Genocide in Darfur? We-the-citizens have the Power to Protect and we do not Protect Darfur. We do Starbucks, Outback, one-day-fast-from luxuries, postcards, 3 hour no-risk demonstrations… we protect our own normal life, instead.
Will History / God / Darfuries ask us, “When your other attempts failed, why didn’t you spit in our soup, we onlookers to Genocide? Why didn’t you make our murderous neglect unpleasant for us, in time? You might have saved the souls of we neglectful onlookers. You might have Saved Darfur."
Please write to me. Daily I draw on the wisdom of Gandhi, King, Jesus, Tolstoy, Deming, Dear, Zinn... as much as I can, but I am unaware that any of them directly provided answers to this question: Are we morally obligated to spit in the soup of our dear brother Lazarus?
For the first time in my life, the question posed here, "are we obliged..." pops into my head, confronts me, and I realize that prior movements did spit in the soup of the oppressors / neglecters / torturers.... The explicit goal of our activist forefathers was to antiviolently stand for their own human rights, but they did "spit in the soup" in the process as a byproduct of their actions. It became really uncomfortable to condone or practice racism against Black Americans. The activists did make normalcy ultimately unpalatable. Are we morally obliged to do the same? Why the question? Because neglect is a much more difficult opponent to fight than the lynch mob. Dr. King, Gandhi and others were explicit on this.
ps: Having had some time to think about this today the following updates my own thoughts -
1. What is needed is to make people dissatisfied with the status quo - permitting the Genocide to continue! This is an important new insight for me. IF WE ARE NOT UPSETTING THE STATUS QUO we are not achieving the impact we need to achieve. Preferably we will make radically HEROIC LOVE overpoweringly attractive to the alternatives.
2. NOT the ideal way is any direct attempt to "spit in the soup." Indirect YES, but rather living SO HEROICALLY OUT OF LOVE that it makes our current mass, killing neglect unpalatable, HIGHLY UNPALATABLE.
3. However, is there a necessary place and time for explicitly and directly "spitting in the soup?" Hmmmmm. When? What conditions? Is this necessary now? HELP!!!!!
Friday, October 06, 2006
Atlantic Review
A press digest on transatlantic affairs edited by three German Fulbright Alumni
... and this specific link.
Darfur: Finally some Transatlantic Cooperation to Discuss "the Next Steps"?
Dear brothers and sisters of Atlantic Review.
Some of you seem to share my desire for us to take action beyond writing. Make no mistake, writing, blogging, analyzing have a place IN EVERY STRUGGLE. BUT, SO DO FEET ON THE STREET! And, there is no chance so far that history will write that "people did not TALK / blog / write enough about Darfur." My hope now, ALL OF MY HOPE NOW at this stage is for feet on the street. Currently, history WILL WRITE that all we did was... TALK. Nero fiddled while Rome burned....
OCTOBER 5th STAND (Students Taking Action for Darfur) is organizing a 1 day. OK, LET'S TURN IT INTO THE START, T-H-E S-T-A-R-T of a worldwide FAST, that we stay on until the GENOCIDE IS ENDING, NOT BEFORE. Is this too radical!?!?!?!!? Does Genocide warrant less?!?!!!? Is this an OVERREACTION TO GENOCIDE? YES, we would almost certainly fail in the attempt. YES, if we got it off the ground and 1,000's participated the effort might fail. SO WHAT!?!?!? As your uniquely brilliant and helpful Alfred Adler said, "Courage is doing what needs to be done, whether or not you know you will succeed."
Some loose FUNCTIONAL AND OPERATIONAL patterning after the effort could be executed.
Full time activists like me - water only. People in school or holding "normal" jobs - 1,000 calories. Equal. COMMITTED. PROPORTIONAL RESPONSE. UNEQUIVOCAL MANDATE. JUST. SOLIDARITY. WORTHY.
STUPID IDEA YOU SAY? Two responses. 1. "If at first the idea is not absurd, it has no hope," Albert Einstein; 2. GIVE ME A BETTER IDEA. I'll run with it, even if you don't. I'm going to do something, my best shot. This global Fast idea is my best so far.
For more on this idea: DARFUR Dying for Heroes
Sunday, October 01, 2006
And unless we get on with finding enough LOCAL HEROES here to save them, DARFUR IS DEAD.
DARFUR is Dying for Heroes
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
I want to see how to stop the genocide. Not a fantasy, I don't want to see a fantasy, but a real way forward. Am I frustrated? That's irrelevant. Am I confused? Yes. Am I unclear what I am called to do? How? When? Yes. Funny, I am finally clear what we-the-people are called to do - Rescue Darfur Fast. But me? :-)
A massive Rescue Darfur Fast! Yes, massive, that would do it; that would end the genocide. How massive? MASSIVE.
To about 1000 folks, all of the activist community, bloggers and College/Univ Newspaper folks I've now sent multiple teasers on the Rescue Darfur Fast idea. MULTIPLE in the recent 10 days. Less than 20 to 40 web hits or emails have resulted directly from this. This is a very bad indicator. Aggressive promotion of Rescue Darfur Fast by a team of one to four of us could be the spark, if there were dry kindling and logs around. The deafening silence to these teasers suggests to me that the wood is very, very wet, still.
Jan Pronk today, pretty much out of the blue, the lead UN Envoy to Sudan was extremely negative on the likelihood of UN Peacekeepers. An honest, informed voice, or cowardice, lack of vision, and fatigue speaking? A leader? A "father" of Darfur?
I am tempted to go the direction of Pronk. No. His is not realism, but defeatism. A fine line, but he crossed it. Prank's attitude is not the attitude that won Independence for America, Independence for India, Freedom from Apartheid for South Africa; that developed the microchip, that put man on the moon....
Am I discouraged? That is irrelevant. No, I am not. Confused? Yes, I am.
"Our Father calls us to be Faithful, not Successful" comes to mind.
"Full effort is full success," Gandhi, comes to mind.
There is only one success - "Do unto others ALL..." comes to mind. ONLY ONE SUCCESS is possible in life; is possible in being confronted with the Evil of Genocide. DO UNTO OTHERS ALL THAT YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU. And, there is only ONE FAILURE POSSIBLE. To do less than "all."
"Hope is lost, only if and when we quit," comes to mind.
Is the ultimate goal to stop the genocide in Darfur? Our Father, History, will not ask you or me if we did. Our Father, History, will ask us how we behaved in the face of genocide; what we taught our brothers and sisters about how to live life in the face of such evil. Our Father, History will want to know if the model we fashioned and provided, was a moral beacon, a lantern, something promising for the future.
Darfur Genocide is the symptom, not the disease. Inhumanity is the disease. The only hope is that we spend our lives each day, every day, being humanity incarnate, overwhelming the inhumanity with our humanity. Being superior antiviolence, to the world's violence.
Hmmmm. There is only one success possible in life. Do unto others ALL.... Only one failure possible in Life, and in the face of genocide.